Short history of the family:

Ours is an old and noble family, which was ennobled by king Ferdinand I. in 1560. The family's first known member was Ilima, who was born in 1107. Many of the family members lived in Pozsony in the 19th century, where they have become their patrician certificate from the county of Pozsony in 1812. The county of Pozsony was part of Hungary until 1920, when it was attached to Slovakia. Most members of the family still live in Hungary, but many of them moved to other countries a long time ago. Our original patrician letter from king Ferdinand I. can still be found in the National Széchényi Library, and there is also an almanac which contains every Hungarian noble family in 1927, and a few written documents were also preserved by the family members, that's were I could made the family tree from. But a lot of members are still missing. The land of Kisjoka entered into possession of the family in 1699, that's why a few Takach also uses the name Kisjokai. It is a habit that in every two years the family holds a family evening (there are pictures on the homepage), where every relatives are invited.